After all the hardwork we put in and after all the crap hours we stayed back in school and after all the sleepless nights and after all the worries.. I finally feel like a heavy load has been lifted off my shoulders because...
Our drama Bitter Trust finally won
Best Props
Best Costumes
Best Character 3rd Place - Sharifah as Dragon
& best of all,
Best Drama 2nd place.
We got the most awards.
Yes, I still think Carven should've won 1st place for Best Character instead of 'Brian'. In fact, many people think that Carven deserved to win. But, too bad. :( Carven, you did a GREAT job and the whole school knows. 5B is proud of you.
Carven's wahyu from God was correct:
God will not help those who cheat.
So true.
Everyone (literally) thought we should've won overall but we only managed 2nd. But I'm okay :) coz it doesn't matter what should've, could've or would've as long we know that we ARE the best.
To all 5B humans,
Thank you so much for your support and all the hardwork you guys put in. We made it through and won as a class. xxx
Check out the pics on FB!
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