You know how a part of the human population in this world is paranoid about having bad breath?
They brush their teeth 3x a day, chew gum like nobody's business, pop mints like a drug addict pop pills, they even do that thing where they cup their hands in front of their face and breathe into it even though they just end up smelling their hands.
They are DAMN CONCERNED about their breath.
Annnndd I'm a tiiiiiny part of that population.
This is why I don't understand how some people can end up with bad breath.
I'm not talking 'bout a lil garlic or onion from lunch.
I'm talking 'bout serious, wretched, sour BAD breath.
Oh gawd.
Like, so reeked that when you're forced to speak to that person,
you can feel the heat generated from whatever grossness that has found habitable terrain in their mouth.
I seriously don't like talking to people with breath issues.
I dont hate them.
I just don't like.
It's so difficult to tolerate.
And I go through it every weekday.
If you have breath problems,
Get Eclipse.. whatever.
Nobody likes a stinky.
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