Yes, CNY is approaching people! :)
Happy Rawr Year!
Gong Hei Fatt Choi.
Whenevr I hear them singing my name on the streets & during the comercials on tv, I tend to respond to it.
What do you mean why?
Coz it's my name la! hahah
It's weird to hear people singing your name and wishing other humans good health etc with your name... it's as if it's World Ruyi Day.
Mom gave me that name so that 'everything goes as I wish'.
No comments right there ;p
My KING who coincidently have the same name as I do,
Phoon Ru Yi
Everytime the teacher calls "Ru Yi!", I will look up. bahah
ily pry. n leong carven and my knight.
The tv Me Mom
bla bla bla bla bla blady-blah.. wan shi ru yi!
*Looks up and around* Did someone call me??
Don't react to things like that at night.
Nonono! I swear someone called me! Very loud samo.
bla bla bla blah..
It was the tv advertisement la! -.-
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