Friday, January 18, 2013

Truth to be told...

... I don't like Indian food. Not anymore.

Just to clarify myself,
this post isn't meant to be racist. Sorry If I do.

Back to the topic,
yeah back in Malaysia way before I came here,
I liked Indian food.
To a certain extent...

But now,
it's just so boring to eat.
That's when I realised the beauty of a chinese dish.

I was just telling this to Jas over dinner,
the amount of 'variety' Indian people offer in their food.

If you haven't realised,
I'll make you realise now that there is only one thing Indian people like.

It's freaking spicespicespice in everything.
Masala in everything!
Masala corn
Masala popcorn
Masala chips
Did I ever mention to you they have Masala Miranda??

And Indians are massive Coldplay fans..
all their food are yellow...
lame google joke, ignore that.

They can have all kinds of dosai, idlees, chappatis and what not.
But in the end you only dip those in one thing,
and one thing only,

Same shit, different smell bro.

I just really miss eating noodles, I don't even care if it's Japanese.
I'd even go to a mamak and eat the mihun goreng.

I guess we never really appreciate until you stop getting it.
I promise myself that when I return for CNY,
I'm soooo gonna eat up everything chinese.
No leftovers.

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