Sunday, March 13, 2011

The 30 Day Challenge

Day 1 - Weird things you do when you're alone.

It all depends on my mood really.
When I'm in the usual-I'm-okay mood,
I like to talk to myself,
it gets kinda entertaining.
& I also secretly wish that he would be mine :P
If I'm mad at you,
I'll write your name on a piece of paper & have a great time torturing it NYAHAH.
When I'm annoyed with someone,
I'll have sooo much fun cyber bullying that someone.
how oblivious can these people get? Geez
I'll just be nice,
sit down,
do my studies &
And no, I'm probably the only girl in this world who doesn't secretly cry alone.
I'm not weird, so I don't do weird things when I'm alone :)

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