Friday, December 7, 2012

Disney Inspired

In conjunction with Walt Disney's birthday,
which was actually on the 5th of December..

I present to you:
The Disney Inspired Fashion Show crew!

So for the past month or so,
I've been busy poking my nose around college cultural events.
Every year,
it ends with every batch presenting their own Fashion Show,
where they literally invite models,
they build a runway.

It's always the MOST ANTICIPATED event of the year!

So this year,
my batch decided to flauunt our styles based on a Disney character.
I was (proudly) MULAN :D

I've always thought that Disney fashion was very examplary
because it's so cute and the colours are really fun!

I think that night was the first time I felt like I had an inch of make up on,
alongside the bright red lipstick.

Yes, turquoise lenses!
Love 'em.

Special thanks to the lovely roomie,
who made all the awesome props for the show!

And to announce:
So proud!

And now,
for next year!

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