Friday, November 2, 2012


"It's almost incredible isn't it?
Things don't necessarily have to be in order in your life, but it's okay. 
They're just good enough that you can still smile and laugh, and maybe, just maybe, even love.
It's knowing all the wrong things in your life but not focusing on them. It's pushing the drama behind you and pulling that smile out front. It's not a fake front and secretly being miserable inside. No.

It's dealing with all the crap in your life first, so you can enjoy being happy, really happy afterwards. You've got to cry to be able to appreciate a smile. 

There's no easy path to happiness.
But when you reach itnot a million words can describe the feeling."

You know,
it's funny how one person can make you happy.
So happy.

That person can be so darn annoying but you don't care,
simply because,
they make you truly happy :)

I'm not talking bout the kind of happiness your parents or siblings or whoever gives you.
I'm talking 'bout that special happiness a special someone gives you.
for me,
true happiness is when that person shares my happiness too.

Frankly speaking,
I'm the last person on Earth right now to ever want a relationship.
In fact,
I've alsolutely chuck that idea out the window.
I'm done with it for now.

So, right now, happiness is quite subjective for me.
I can just chill out with that someone special on the weekends,
just watching Iron Man on TV,
or just sit around aimlessly with the iPod on shuffle,
or even just cuddle in bed and have deep conversations..
as long it gives me happiness.

See, who needs to have a boyfie or a girlfie to be happy.
Goddamn, you can even be in a relationship and NOT be happy.
I think I'm happier this way :)

You know what,
I even find happiness in sitting alone and singing along to my iPod.

all this may be temporary.
I hope that someday I'd find my permanent happy pill.

We all have our ways of finding happiness.
I hope you find yours too :)

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