Wednesday, December 9, 2009


So many people leaving next year.
Everyone's leaving me behind for good.
& the feeling sucks.
Yeah yeah I'm emo-ing and soon to be crying now
coz my kor kor Kennard will be leaving to
Iowa State University really soon.
when is it? right. January 5th 2010.

hahah but no worries.

coz I'm gonna finish college here and fly to the states :)

Wait for me!

Another person who means alot to me is leaving too.


who will be leaving for Sydney, babes!


Imma gonna miss you guys so much :( please send me pretty post cards everyday! Ohmygawd. Everyone's alomost done with school here and is gonna leave me behind. Dang. I really need to hurry up and get over with school.

Next year month will be the beginning of my final year in school & we're all gonna be so busy preparing for..for..for.. gulp. yikes. I still can't bring myself to say that 3 letters. But it's definitely the exam that's gonna change our course or life. and I'm not going to screw it.

It's really weird how time passed. Form 1 felt like yesterday. Just last year I was freaking my head off for PMR. And now.. meh. I feel like I need more time to really understand what i'm learning coz honestly, Form 4 history is a blur. and Moral sucks 5x more.

well. okay. so Imma gonna be a senior soon. and I'M STILL SO SHORT. ARGH. even the Form 1's are taller than me. tsk. It's so annoyinnggg.

I've turned into an Add.math freak this hols coz I've been doin' alot of add. math. If I don't fall asleep tonight.. I'm gonna do add math.

okay. you're bored with my rambles.

I"ll shut up and go to bed.

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