Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A New Beginning

Happy Eve of New Year's Eve!! :)

It's really hard for me to believe that I'll be in my final year in school in a few days.
It's actually quite scary.
coz next year I have tonnes of work load:
The first thing to start would be writing the script for our class drama.
Yes, I'm the script writer, together with Anne.
Then comes all the trials and exams and trials and exams & finally... gulps.

On a brighter note,
next year will be an interesting year :)
Here are my reasons:
I have an awesome locker.
I can drive.. whoop!
I'll be 17 :)
It's my final year of school!! :) :) :)
Less training.. nyheheh
College applications O.o
I just might grow taller by next year fingers crossed

God bless us all for SPM next year.
I definitely do not want to screw up coz it's gonna determine my course of life.
No more playing a fool.
No more online-ing too often.
No more getting addicted to new anime.
No more too many outings.
No more concerts except for NeYo
No more many things.
It's my choice.
Suffer now, enjoy later on. :)

Many people whom I know and cherish will be leaving by next year. In fact, some of them have already left.

Kuang Lee & Family. Amanda Wong. Kennard. Jeremy Er. Julian Koh. Joshua. Glenn. Tania. and a whole list of 'em.

Wait for me! I'm coming, I'm coming :)

All the best you guys! I'll be joining you in no time.

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