I'm hooooooommeee! and really exhausted.
Actually I got back on Saturday but I got too lazy to blog. nyeheh. SO how's everybody doin'? :)
Presiden'ts Cup was okay. Didn't do good times but I definitely had a great time with my friends :) :) :) We had to stay in this weeeird hotel called The Lotus. and I hated it. Roomies with Hui Yi, Hui Chi, Amanda anddd Caroline lol I so miss our ''Clement's birthday+Monopoly Night" with 'em boys. Then there was our dinner preparation where everyone else was fussing around but all I did was just like put on my dress and pull back my hair with a hairband ;p oh. and just lipgloss. ahaha Pictures!! Go Faceboook 'aight?
Poor Hui Yi! Fell down and sorta dislocated her ankle :( Get well soon!
Things I found out after President's Cup:
1) I actually really really miss my IB friends.
2) I feel more @ home with IB.
3) My sudden love affair with cup noodles. :p

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