Saturday, October 24, 2009

we're goin' a bear hunt........

Alex Pettyfer
Alex Pettyfer
Alex Pettyfer
okay. ignore that.
So? Dear readers, how was your bee-oo-tee-ful Saturday? It should be beautiful Sunday, but whatever right. As usual, was having classes @ British Council today and there was this youtube video that our teacher, Max showed us. Something--- going on a bear hunt.. what a beautiful day!! We're going on a bear hunt, something something something... what a beautiful day! Ohkay, I should stop that. But you can always watch the video on Youtube.. I'm quite sure I left a link on this post.. Go check it ya'll.
Tomorrow's Plans
1) Go back for training :(
2) Find an existing river and collect the water. ew
3) Continue 'The Art of War'.
4) and then runsack the fridge to look for food for Monday's class partay
5) Watch tv tv tv tv tv
6)Check out the hottie next door no. I'm just kidding.
7) Come online. maybe..
8) Sync Sauce-kay.
oh btw, Sauce-kay is my iPod's name :)
9) We'll see what we can do x)
So basically,
tomorrow will be yet another boring day.
All I need now is a nice cup of Green Tea Frap.

Goin' Green People. Goin' Green.

I've found you

and I will see you again x

We're goin' on a bear hunt. We're gonna catch a big one. What a beautiful day!!...

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