Saturday, October 31, 2009

finally, but...

Jayzus Ch-rist. Please close your ears because... I am about to screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaammm. holy macaroni.
I was having my weekly dose of the latest Naruto when...
OMFG.OMFG.OMFG. Sakura confessed to Naruto that she loves him.
For gawd's sake, SAKURA who loves SASUKE,
in love with Naruto???
I mean,.... WHAT?!

And when she did.. this is what Naruto said:

On second thought, I think she just said that coz they need have to kill Sasuke.
But still!!! Words cannot describe my high-ness at this point.
okay. breeeeeaaathe. ARGH. All the Naruto fans of the world must be crazy by now.
Happy Halloween guys.
Trick or Treat??


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