Monday, October 19, 2009

I ain't easy

Alright. So I got up this morning and I thought: "Well so be it." Therefore, words to the world:
Some homosapiens of the world just don't know how to appreciate friends. Well I feel so sorry for you coz sooner or later, you'll be left with no friends
Now ain't that sad? :) It's okay if you don't like me coz it just don't make sense. If other people can get along with me perfectly well, why can't you?
You guys can go ahead and backstab/dislike/stay away from me but just so you know, I don't think I care coz one friend less mean nothing to me. I don't need friends who don't give two shites 'bout their mate's feelings. and I don't need friends who are easily influenced by what other people do/think. I find it rather sad pathetic, no? Okay. So I may feel hurt and insulted at first but I'm actually that kind of person who turns feelings of hurt to well, you know. I don't want to scare you guys, but I always hold grudges against some people. I know, I know it's bad. But who doesn't? But I guess we should all learn to forgive, forget, and to think for yourself. You wanna take the bitchy way? Well, you get the biyatch. Please, if you're smart, don't mess with me. So how 'bout I make a summary of what I'm trying to say here? :) ♥ If you wanna backstab/dislike/stay away from me, do it the smart way. ♥ If you don't like me, please be smart and piss off. ♥ One friend less don't mean anything to me. You're just another human that I'll soon forget. ♥ Respect your mate's feelings and appreciate them. Friends are God's gift to you. ♥ If you're a true gentleman/lady, don't be influenced by what people think or do. ♥ Again. If you really are a gentleman/lady, confront me and talk to me. ♥ Don't mess with me. ♥ Oh. and being bitchy is part of my package. So do forgive me. I'm sorry if I've offended anyone but it's the way things work sometimes yeah? Sticks and stones may break my bones, but pathetic people can't touch me. Peace.

x S


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