Friday, October 23, 2009

The week's biggest problem

bluhdy-hull. Today was definitely NOT a good day. Hints: Miss Everybody. and I dowanna talkaboutit. absolut crrrrrap. the b*****. haiyooh. school was so 'exciting'. Everyone seems to be on cuti malas and I was one of the hardworking ones(except on Wednesday) lol and everytime I come to school, it'll be so meaningless cz we basically just sit there and yapyapyap all day long. tsk. :( plus, Shoby's on holiday in Europe. see. I sound uber boring now, many thanks to all the boringness-input from school. I need to knock out of this. Few minutes.......... ********** Ohkay! So the icing on the cake for this week was on Tuesday! Mom and I decided to go for an after-school shopping @ KLCC. As usual I just cant keep my legs from walking towards Kinokuniya.... aaaaaand! Guess what book I got? drumroll please...
The Art of War
Tsun Zhi
Surprise surprise.
Don't ask me why I got it. Honest truth: I got curious and I wanted to read it. But the buying of this book had made me realise something and the thought of it just melts my heart like chocolates. Here's the story: I have found you, and I will see you again :) Yeeeap. That's it. and oh. Kinokuniya should build lower shelves for shorties like me.
I have found you.
and I will see you again.

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