Okay I didn't mean to say all that but.. IT'S ABSURD OKAAY!! I KNEW she will say something 'bout the rtrd Bio folio today.. aaand she OBVIOUSLY got us to make changes. Dude, be bluh-dy satisfied. Look at the trouble we all have now.
And guess what she told me! "and I don't want to hear your printer spoil aaahh.."
Then what?? My cat ate my folio? Tsk. Dudette, I finished the folio like ages ago. grr. she thinks I'm lying.
It's not my fault the printer decided to go bonkers.. and I already got my dad to print it from his office. SO WHAT NOW???
"Got no cyber cafe wan meeerr?" Hardy-har-har. I guess she's too rich to know cyber cafes charge you like, 50 cents per copy/paper/whatever. and HOW MANY pages are there.. may I ask? tsk. AND, and the school printer is out of the question coz they screwed up the passwords or something.
So is it my fault now? argh. The whole class was literally swearing under their breath.
Trust me, SHE IS A-A-A.. _______. Full stop.