So today was my first day at
British Council.
Well I'm there to
learn improve my English like, duh.

I got these off the Internet coz I
totally forogt to snap pics :(
I'll make sure to get some next week lols

The BC totally rocks my sox. Bc is so
fuckin' awesome ;p
Max, our teacher is made up of awesomeness :) Max is toweringly taaaaalll
OOOOH! and I've got new friends too :) There's Victor and er Nichol?? I rmb Nichol well coz i thought his name was girly nyeheh then there was Kha Sheng and omg.. what's his name again? er.. omg. k I'll make sure to get his name again next week. yikes.
Then there was dude who looked like Cavan called Kha Chun. Is that how you spell it? oh wells :O
and a bunch of
noisy girls. I definitely won't forget tthis girl who left a really big impresssion on me: the tom-boy. I actually thought she was an under-developed boy x)
I definitely had a hell of a time!! Can't wait for next week :) :) :)
before that.. I have to write an essay first :( :( :(
x S
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