Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Today's Bio class was one of those sort-of-bad-ones. MY group was doing this presentation on Succession and Colonisation and thank gawd Anne was there to back-up otherwise I would've got real mad at them and said things that totally conflict violently with my moral code. I mean, how can they not know??? No offence aight! Okay forget that. So today we had a nice Physics class coz we learned bout mirrorssrorrim! and Mr H was saying really funny stuff..BUTs I'm not telling you what. :) Too bad. Nah. Actually we were learning bout reflection something and the teacher got a lil perasan. And later I have physics tution coming up and I'll be seeing Germaine. AGAIN. As you all know, I've been on a food craze these days and lookie what I found!!!
It's Classic Victoria Sandwich!!
A cake with TWO layers.
and jam+cream in the middle.
yummy :q
OH. icing powder on top too!
It was made in the 18th century for Queen Victoria of England
Just for her fondness of Tea Parties.
But of course I would still like a Cookie Wand :)
SO how bout a round of tea parties and cookie wands?
Anyone? :) Aw c'mooon.
May the cookies be with you...

x S

Pls feed my fishes!!

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