open house+girrrls=madness
so in conjunction with thaaaat :) Lina has invited me and my girls to her open house.
so waddya say happened?
well I have to say Lina, the HOST was a lil' shy at first ;) and I don't know why..
Buts, not to worry coz I GOT HER GOIN' WILD..
cheers to me..
so here are some pics.. not to nice coz I caught them using my phone.

we're a bunch or weirdooos
buts :)
It was a good AWESOME day! I actually skipped breakfast coz I was gonna eat up ALL her lemangs and cookies. nyeheh but it didn't happen. danggg x)
There was no Vodkatinis or Champagne-sipping buts..
We still got ourselves drunk with orange juice and I was bluhdy addicted to Lina's mom's MANGO PUDDING. so much yummmmms :)
Then then then we were playing The Game Of LIFE. It's a board game where I went through college and got a gay partner+got married and of course NO KIDS so I didn't have to pay for their college fees in the game. and OH i was a DOCTOR earning a good salary of $60,000
That's a nice thought. Except for the gay thing nyehhehe
In the end.. well. More madness.
The hypothesis is not accepted.
open house+giiirrls=ABSOLUT MADNESS ;)
Btw, I'm still drunk with orange juice.
x S
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