Sunday, September 6, 2009

Finally done!

Yeaps! I'm finally done with the Bio thingy
and what a relief.
I got really frustrated halfway through coz
1) I had to do Hui Pin and En Hui's part. grr
2) The computer kept hanging
3) The computer shut-downed 3 'effin times
there were unsaved data.
So I had to re-do the damn thing 3 times.
But now everything is done and I have already emailed it to Sim so yeah :) and
OH OH OH I got dad to sit down and do stuff on this computer and the same thing happened and he got reeeaaal mad and he said: "That's it! This computer is a nuisance! Time for a new one!"
So remember I told you something about IRISH LIQUOR CHOCOLATE CAKE??
Yupps! This is it! Caramel on top. yummy.
Sweet like cotton candy
Cool like spearmint
x S
Please feed my fishes down there
They're always hungry :)

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