Sunday, September 27, 2009

Back to school..again?

I'm not ready to go back to school yet!!!
What a terrible terrible thought.
Can someone..anyone give me some motivation???
Okay fine. What are the pros and cons of going back to school?
Idk but! but.. I bet on my first paycheck that the cons weigh out the pros. shee-it.
Jayzus H. Be positive people!!! At least I get to see Carven tomorrow nyahahaha! Budak mamak x)
I actually just got back from Au jo Ey's place and her DOG (a chi.. how do you spell chihuahua?) was barking at me. No offence to Joey's dog but it sounded like it has asthma LOL
It kept barkin' and barkin'. It was soooooooo annoying cute I wanted to strangle hug it soooo badly. AHAH
So I guess I might not be blogging for the next, say.. 2 weeks so..
I'll leave you a lil something to look at and be fascinated yeah? :)
Any human's comforting friend.
'Til next time, homosapiens ;)
x S

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