Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My never ending love for her

Yupp. You heard me right. Her. As in Hello Kitty :) FYI I'm a die-hard Hello Kitty fan and nothing can ever change that fact. For those who have been/are in the same class with me, you musta have come across my Hello Kitty scissors :) I LVE LVE LVE LVE LVE HELLO KITTY! Ever since I was like...... oh I don't remember. So the pictures that you are about the see are M.A.C Hello Kitty stuff/make-up. BUTs I DO NOT like make-up (except for lipgloss la) and I only like these because of Hello Kitty :)
Nice nice nice??? I mean the Hello Kitty Ahhh.. this is just awesome-ness I know! So cute riiiiight?? I'm also a partial fan of her BF, Daniel ;) Danieeeel...? Hello Kitty's BOYFRIEND. They look quite the same. Yeah the M.A.C Hello Kitty has been around since the beginning of the year Buts These stuff never fail to run out of trend So Yeah :) No food today but there will be on my next entry XD May Hello Kitty Love You Forevah x S
Pleaaase feed my hungry fishes..

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