Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Euphoria :)

State the operational definition of exhaled air. Say what?
Huh? How am I suppose to know?
I look at the clock.
The minute arm is ticking away a lil too slowly.
One more minute..
C'mon c'mon..
"Okay girls, you may stop writing."
For me.
Hello folks!
Long time no see :)
To the next generation of soon-to-be SPM candidates,
there is NO SUCH THING as tips.
My advice?
Read the whole book
(Even though it kills you.)
So today was officially the very last day of SPM for me.
Some of my rakan-rakan seperjuangan have Accounts tomorrow,
to those taking Ekonomi Asas,
My deepest deepest condolences.
Today's paper?
The great Biology.
I was so worried last night/this morning,
I nearly jizzed in my pants.
No, I'm just kidding. lol
This is the first time I ever read the entire bio revision page by page.
It's SPM, if you don't read the revision book page by page,
you really have a problem.
Okay, fine.
Not everything I read went in and stayed but..
you never know right?
I felt constipated before bio and still feel the same.
C wouldn't stop sneezing her nose away.
J just can't stop laughing.
Must be stress HAHA
She turns around.
"Dentistry? Oh good, you still have to study bio when you get to college XD"
Thank you for stating the obvious.
When all of this ended,
many of 'em were screaming their lungs out.
I didn't and I have no clue why.
I am excited but at the same time,
it's like damn, it's over.
No more school for real.
We'll never be classmates ever again :(
If you're going to college in January, all the best.
If you're going to National Service, take care!
If the first paper 1 made you feel good,
watch out for paper2.
If paper 2 still made you feel good,
bring tissue in for paper 3.
I just put away my examination papers,
they still have that funny 'new SPM paper' smell.
And packing away my books is satisfying.
Jean W, they'll be yours pretty soon :)
But I wanna keep my SPM papers, you don't mind right?
I can't wait for Friday
I'll blog more soon.
Happy December!

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