Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My X'mas Wish

So you already know that x'mas is coming without me telling you.
I sure hope that this year's x'mas will me merrier than last year's.
All I want for X'mas:
1) A miniature x'mas tree that I can display on the study table haha
Those teeny teeny ones.
2) I want an air ticket to LA!
I wanna go visit Stephen To @ San Marino, LA.
3) I wanna go on a holiday with my 3 monkeys.
Maybe spend x'mas in S'pore?
4) I need clothes -.-
I have no more clothes to wear since they got thrown out the closet.
5) A lil too advance but, I want my A+'s.
6) Peace @ home.
7) I want a boyfie.
Heck, I'm just kidding XD
8) I want what you wish for to come true :)
9) I want an exciting x'mas.
10) I want to see him again, just like 2 years ago :)
11) I hope he remembers :)
12) I want the person reading this XD
13) May you be happy!
14) Erm...
15) I wish Santa Claus's spectacles don't drop from reading this HAHA
I was doing my SPM papers when I heard someone singing a x'mas song -.-
PRY, I'm not sure if you heard it, but it happened a few times.
I thought you were the one singing XD oops.

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