Monday, December 13, 2010

Speechless I Am.

Auness, C and myself, we took the bus down to KLCC.
I guess it was quite an exciting trip because the bus was Rapid KL, which is wayyy cleaner and less smelly compared to Metro or SJ.
Oh! We even saw one of our teacher driving pass our bus.
So we got there, met up with PRY. And we watched:
Yes I know it came out like ages ago.
But FYI, we were doing SPM when it first started showing.
Sooo. Today we finally watched :)
Honestly, the book is better.
But no doubt, the movie was good.
I dunno what C thinks though coz she's not a fan of HP at all.
Mr. Voldemort, you need a nose job.
I still don't like how the aherm girl in the front row gave me the stink look after the movie.
Doesn't mean you didn't laugh throughout the movie means my friends and I cannot laugh right?
If you think we laughed too loudly, get lost lah.
It's a public cinema la oi.
Everyone has a right to laugh however they wish to.
Plus, I'm pretty sure we didn't kick your seats.
I assume that you're just jealous we can laugh louder than YOU and your PATHETIC friends.
And to whoever who brought their baby in,
Lunch was @ Madam Kwan's.
I had spaghetti :)
Whilst waiting for our orders to arrive,
my bunch of lovely friends decided to SURPRIIISSEEEE:
They got me this for X'mas!! :D
A teeny x'mas tree that would fit haha. Pretty pretty? :D I love it so much.. I'm gonna put it there all year round. When I took it out just now to deco it in my room, aherm, I cried. LOL . Dearest monkays, you guys are the most WICKED and AWESOME homosapiens I've ever met. . You people made me speechless. I er.. er erm.. I'm just so thankful to have met and became goodgoodgood friends with you 3 monkays. I'll remember you 'til the end. After this, we're all going our separate ways to chase after different dreams, but that ain't gonna change anything between us :) I lovelovelove yous. Now I must think how I'm gonna make your x'mas awesome.. . . Guess whooo?

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