Monday, December 20, 2010

Her Lullaby

As usual,
I woke up this morning with nothing to do.
I turned on the TV and there it was.
you guessed it right.
new moon
. My mother thinks that Edward Cullen is hot.
Aherm, okay.
There are two situations here.
First, I agree.
Second, I don't agree.
Situation No.1:
When I first read the Twilight books waaaay before it was shown on screen,
hell yes, the Edward Cullen I imagined was one drop-dead-gorgeous hunk of a vampire.
I imagined his hair to be great, his eyes would kill me and overall,
my version of Edward C was just hot.
The way he was described in the book made me fall in love with Twilight (sort of).
And his family seemed really awesome in the book.
Bella sounded less constipated in the book.
My version of Rosalie was sexay.
Alice was more petite in my books.
So if you asked me, based on this situation,
do I agree Edward is hot?
Hell yes :)
Situation No.2:
I had high hopes for the movie.
I was expecting Edward and his supposingly gorgeous family to be what I imagined.
Did I mention that movies based on books are disappointing?
Movie version of Edward Cullen was terrible.
When I excitedly went to watch Twilight back then,
I was crushed to see how yer the movie Edward looked.
So I guess this is enough to prove that Robert Pattinson is aherm,
not so hot and handsome afterall.
The Edward I saw speaks like he's been constipated ever since he became a vampire.
When he stands under the sun,
his body, which was suppose to glitter like diamonds,
looked like it was merely sweating.
Heck, such disappoinments.
His gf, Bella.
She keeps mumbling in the movie.
Thank goodness I read the book otherwise I wouldn't have gotten a single word she uttered.
Once again,
the Bella I iamgined was better.
And the Cullens?
Ah, nevermind.
The only thing(s) I agreed in the Twilight Saga so far?
Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner)
Jane (Dakota Fanning)
So, do I agree that Edward is hot?
Of course not -.-
I have to admit,
the story is real romantic in a way.
But some of the dialogues makes my hair stand on edge.
Bella, I don't want to live in a world where you don't exist.
Sweet but hmm.
My mother don't seem to understand the unconditional love between Edward and Bella.
Here's an example:
"Why she want to be vampire?? She sot one is it? Can be human why wanna become vampire?"
My dad reads my books.
Not because he's spying on the kind of genre I read and its contents.
But he reads out of boredness.
So yes,
right after I read every Twilight book,
he went ahead and flipped open the first few pages of book 1.
He didn't last more than 2 chapters of that book.
He thinks it's a sissy book and he can't stand the girlishness it contains.
Annnnnd, yes, he ain't a fan of Edward (thanks to those Edward pictures he sees in the entertainment section of the newspapers).
He never touched those books ever since.
You can count my brother out from this kind of things.
He's a scaredy cat when it comes to things like vampires and werewolves,
no matter how hot and friendly they are.
So I officially confirm that I'm not a fan of the Twilight movies.
But I'm okay with the books.
Well, not entirely.
Coz whenever I read the book now,
movie Edward and his friends pops into my head.
I think I'm better off reading Diary of A Wimpy Kid.

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