Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Soup Circles

It wasn't a very good day for me.
But I guess I should put it behind me for a lil while.
If you're chinese,
you'd probably already heard from your mum that tomorrow is the 'tang yuen' day.
Actually what is the name?
My mother says it is called 'Dong Zhi'.
traditionally the chinese will make these lil tiny balls of tang yuen.
Then they boil it with brown sugar+pandan leaf+ginger broth.
I call it 'broth' cause 'soup' sounds inappropriate.
Okay okay.
It was actually quite fun to roll the balls.
But I accidently rolled a few that were a tad too big heh
& I have to eat those :(
Boohoo for me.
Then you boil it.
The white ones looked like fish balls! :)
Let me show you:
Told 'ya they look like 'em fishballs!
I told that to my mum.
She gave me the =.= look
one big sloppy kiss.
I got bored while waiting for the thing to boil up.
heh heh
is the end product.
I know it doesn't look as fancy as the ones they sell but I kinda made them okay! Actually,
I dunno why I'm excited 'bout this considering that it's a yearly affair XD
Okayh ttyl.

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