Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sex Kitten

I'm got back from T.I around 12 plus in d noon.
Watched Giulianna & Bill all day.
I don't really wanna talk 'bout my lil trip there so don't ask.
I'll just tell you a lil bit of the one and only McD's there.
Good business!
I actually went there because I was mad curious 'bout the McD.
Well, not much difference from KL really.
Daddy and I got ourselves Mud Pie McFlurry :)
We were sitting at one of those erm..
bar-looking high stooled area andddd dang.
The white that was sitting 2 seats away from me was H.O.T
Hot I tell you.
Thank goodness I ordered ice-cream.
You know I mentioned before this that some people really know which buttons to push to make you pissed?
I have a feeling that you agree with me.
If I wasn't being Miss Nice,
I would've said whadaheck get lost.
So to whom it may concern,
this is ridiculous.
It's about time you know your limits
it is also time for you to know that I have limits too.
Just because I don't say anything,
it doesn't mean I'm okay with whatever bullcrap you're doing/saying.
Keep your distance further away from me.
I'd also like to keep my distance too.

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