Happy Winter Solcetice Day!
If you're chinese,
you'd know what I'm saying ;)
We had a family dinner @ Renaissance.
Buffet babe :)
I'm still so full from all the salmon and desserts.
We ate alsmost every variety of salmon.
Raw salmon, smoked salmon, so long-named salmon etc etc.
Desserts was great!
I'm so good at scooping and decorating ice-cream,
I can be a culinary chef :D
You know what,
I'll just let the pictures talk.

This is me

This is Ann's what.. Barrel-O-Slime.
Looks like phlegm.
Quite disgusting really.

Erm hah

Yeah, on this side of the family,
it's all ladies.

Yummy :)

Spot my daddy! (in blue)

My specialty ice-cream.
Told you I'm good :P

Me opening my gift.
Thanks for the gift! :)


Wern says this looks like one of those wedding photos.
Hmm.. really?

Korean drama.

Mummy says he looks like Hishamuddin.

She was desperate for some contacts so she ended up wearing her cosplay ones.
So, excuse the colour please HAHA
That's 'bout it!
I can't wait to go over and sleep!
Gonna play with your bazooka :)
I hope you had a good time with your family!
Okay time to study Undang. Yikes.
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