Tuesday, May 31, 2011

F*cknuts. & Spaceman Balls.

I got those vulgarities from the movie I watched today:

*thumbs up to the horny-ness & vulgarity*
No wonder it was rated 18.

Next time,
I'm only going to watch movies at GSC.
Student price! ;)
Okay. Lame.

I have come to realise that I've been watching movies pretty often.
Like, 4 in a month?
That's like 1 movie each week, average.
I can't stop myself.

Mental note:

Yea, anyways.
I finally found a song that I can really, really relate to.
It describes everything that I feel now.

Just A Kiss - Lady Antebellum
Lyin' here with you so close to me

It's hard to fight these feelings when it feels so hard to breathe
Caught up in this moment
Caught up in your smile

I've never opened up to anyone
So hard to hold back when I'm holding you in my arms
We don't need to rush this
Let's just take this slow

Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight
Just a touch in the fire burning so bright
And I don't want to mess this thing up
I don't want to push too far
Just a shot in the dark that you just might
Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life
So baby I'm alright, with just a kiss goodnight

I know that if we give this a little time
It will only bring us closer to the love we wanna find
It's never felt so real, no it's never felt so right

Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight
Just a touch in the fire burning so bright
And I don't want to mess this thing up
I don't want to push too far
Just a shot in the dark that you just might
Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life
So baby I'm alright, with just a kiss goodnight

No I don't want to say goodnight
I know it's time to leave, but you'll be in my dreams

I haven't seen you in ages~

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I Am A Chinese.

Yes, you heard me?
Malaysian Chinese to be exact.

Ever since I was young,
people used to ask my parents if I was mixed.

18 years have gone,
& they still ask.

I have people asking me if I'm:
Japanese (How so?)
Ceylonese (-.-)
Malay (grrrrr..)

but today:
Like WTF??

I may not be fluent in my own mother tongue,
but I have Chinese blood.

Please get it right.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


I went to watch a Panda that does Kung Fu.

Too cute :O

I'm currently sitting here laughing. Alone.
Coz I'm like thinking bout all the retarded stuff from the movie.

Dragon Warrior Dumplings are so... cute
I'm laughing like a friggin drunkard.

I don't know if you guys know this but,
my mum calls me Kung Fu Panda.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Listening to: If this was a movie, Taylor Swift

I know people change and these things happen
But I remember how it was back then
Locked up in your arms and our friends are laughing
Cause nothing like this ever happened to them
Now I'm pacing down the hall
Chasing down your street
Flashback to the night when you said to me
Nothing's gonna change not for me and you
Not before I knew how much I had to lose

Come back come back come back to me like
You would you would if this was a movie
Stand in the rain outside til I came out

Come back come back come back to me like
You could you could if you just said you're sorry
I know that we could work it out somehow
But if this was a movie you'd be here by now

You're stalking me again!
Scotty McCreery
is the new American Idol!
He's such a cutie~
Once again,
my predictions are right.
I knew it since Audition Week ;)
I love you THIS BIG

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I Am The Biggest Procrastinator In The World.

Don't give me that look.
I'm just taking a breather from Bio ;)

I have never ending Bio MCQs & Structures to do

Damn true.

Back to the great Bio.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cinema 9 E6

I don't think I wanna eat anymore popcorn for quite awhile
whilst watching Lanun Of The Kacang Curry,
I experienced the 'joy' of munching on bottomless popcorn.

TGV didn't offer bottomless popcorn & never will.
We just bought 2 tubs of LARGE popcorn
which was TOO LARGE.
So it felt like I could go on eating forever.
the best bit,
I poured it ALL into Jas's tub,
so she had EXTRA EXTRA LARGE popcorn.
She came out of the cinema looking pretty....... sick.

So my POVs on POTC..
awesome but predictable.
Hilarious but draggy at certain scenes.

Long live Captain Jack Sparrow! :D

You have to watch it for yourself!
Not giving away any spoilers.

One thing's for sure.
I'm never gonna look at mermaids the same way, ever again.
The have seaweed-looking-whips which shoot out like Spiderman's cobwebs.
they have fangs? & are cannibals?
when they're on dry-land,
their tails become legs..
Mad sexy too.....

Monday, May 23, 2011

Take these broken wings and learn to fly.

I wish I didn't give a f*ck.
Then life would be such a breeze.

I guess it's unhealthy to be overly concerned.
Just go with the flow :)
Works best that way.


Friday, May 20, 2011


Okay okay.
No love talk today :)
I'm done for awhile.

Thanks for putting up with my constant blabber!

Let's laugh:

I see someone's been having fun in bed ;)


Me lazing away~


Fast & Furious 5 is a farking furious movie.
It defines everything sexay.

Monday, May 16, 2011


When I say I love you,
I don't say it out of habit.
I say to remind you that you're the best thing that ever happened to me.

I miss you already :')

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Money Talks Bullshit Walks

I wonder if the things that reminds me of you, reminds you of me =')

I didn't know origami flowers could be so troublesome.
Another failed origami attempt :(

So I just watched the trailer for Final Destination 5.
I soooo wanna watch it!
But but..
it is coming only in August -.-
I just hope I'll still be here to watch it,
or at least,
I hope they have international cinemas over there.

Part of me is wishing for that day to come quick,
another part of me wish I could stay.

Gonna miss lotsa things.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


A drop in the ocean,
A change in the weather,
i was hoping that you & me might end up together.
it’s like wishing for rain as i stand in the desert,
but i’m holding you closer than most,
cause you are my heaven.

I consider myself a crayon.
I may not be your favourite colour,
but one day you will need me to complete your picture.

It’s hard to wait around for something you know will never happen, but it’s harder to give up when you know it’s everything you want.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Dance the night away~

Getting up early in the morning and going to college on your period:

On the inside:

On the outside:



And all the guys stare at you like:

But the girls are like:
"I understand your pain.''

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Hey folks!
So today I'm gonna do a lil post bout:
Ahh.. yes.
The Bieber.

But before I start ranting on and on 'bout him,
no - I'm not a fan
yes - I have nothing against him.

Got this off JB himself via Twitter.

So after reading all the mad long stories on that tumblr,
I have come to realise the massive amount of crazy fans that kid has.
The kid's younger than me!

I have to admit,
he is kinda cute.
But I don't understand why 'em girls, even ladies go gaga at the mention of his great name.
They look at him like he's God.

Okay fine.
This kid is really really inspirational,
he's hot,
he speaks cute..
He tweets cute stuff but..

I wonder how Jb feels,
you know,
knowing that 99% of the girls around the world go psycho over him.
As in HUGE.

Whatever it is,
those are one of the things I can never understand.
he hasn't done anything wrong.
So why are some of you people hating him like the devil?

Are you jealous that he's some Canadian kid who did home-made videos, posted them on Youtube
Baaam suddenly he's famous?
That's life.
We're all not as lucky as him.
Well, at least he doesn't annoy you like Rebecca Black and her shitty Friday song.

Here's a question I've been asking myself since the day I heard of JB:

What's the fuss about his hair?!

Like, seriously?
They even have a name for his previous hairstyle.

And when he cut his hair somewhere this year,
it made the fans all over the world cry..

. . .

What is wrong with the world??

It's just hair for f***'s sake!
It'll grow out eventually -.-

It's funny how they mad words from his name.
Some fine examples:
The Beliebers
The Bieberians
Oh My Bieber! (OMB) <--- this is the funniest

Imagine if one day I become incredibly famous
(which I would)
people start saying..
The Samanators
Oh My Sam! (OMS)
they go around saying:
This is samtastic!

Inhabitants of the entire galaxy will be infected with Sammi Fever or something.

So much fame,
so much moneyyyy.
No money no talk.
Such shinding.

"Step 4: Stir it well, baby.."

Good one Biebs!

so I should really stop coz it's actually kinda late,
and I can't stand typing bout this kid anymore.
My fingers are refusing me :P

Three words for you Justin Bieber;

Less than three
Less than three
(Hear the sarcasm? :P)

Monday, May 2, 2011

So true :)
But a little inaccurate for my case
I ain't in love with funny guy.

This topic seems to be the hottest topic these days.
Friend meets/see guy,
falls in love..
3 endings:

Ending 1: They get together and live a fairytale

Ending 2: The love is one-sided. Friend turns lesbo from a broken heart.
or grows fat from eating too much.

Ending 3: Nothing happens. Coz that love won't last.

Oh wait.. make that 4 endings:

Ending 4: Girl falls in love with someone else.

You see!
College is like the ultimate dating club.

I actually promised myself that I wouldn't get close to anyone in college.
But then it didn't work out..
*grabs hair*
Eh no. Jokes.

I see friends getting hooked up with their hunks.
Changing Fb statuses from 'Single' to 'In a realtionship with ________'
or at least,
it becomes 'It's complicated'
If that doesn't happen,
signs of heartbreak can be seen through their emo posts.
Contaminate my homepage with emo-ness.

Get this:
I don't understand why people like to tell the whole world that they're in a relationship with someone?

Okay, you're happy, I get it.
But dude,
keep it to yourself lah!
You're hurting the others who secretly love you ='(
hahah right.

I guess what I'm trying to say is..
You can't stop yourself for falling in love.
It's automatic.
Which sucks.


That's me! =D

Sunday, May 1, 2011

What's behind the green glass door?

there really isn't anything much for me to blog 'bout these days.

But I'll discuss a few stuff tonight :)

So I was looking through somebody's Sports Day pics on FB.
Stalker much? :P
I missed the event okay! :(

Back to what I was about to say..
I have one question:
The skirts are like friggin' knee-length!
Okay fine,
I completely understand that it can't be too short coz it is 'slutty'
knee-length is mad fugly
The make-up: hideous.

Word of advice:
If you're chubby, please.. don't get into a cheerleading outfit.

I can't stop thinking bout yesterday..
Yesterday's gathering with 'em secondary buddies =D
Shite disappointing coz half of 'em weren't there.
Lan ci lah..
cikgu belanja pun tak mau datang. Ish


Despite the fact that I didn't eat since 11am yesterday,
I only had one slice of pizza + a few forks of spag.
A few rounds of gossip,
which I wasn't really interested in.

Then that was it.

But there IS one thing to be excited 'bout.

wait for it...

wait for it...


oh the joyyy.

Got it from Kinokuniya for RM4.90

Delighted :)

Even better!
Jasmine got me 3 Angry Birds!
I love that girl.

*Dance along to the Angry Birds song*

Back to the gathering part.

Well, my ex clasmates have definitely grown over time.
Some of them have finally discovered make-up.
Some seem to have more hair.
Some became super chio!
Some have discovered mini skirts and heels (coughGSYcough)
Some totally ruined the boots
some.. remained the same.

It's good to see them all again, to be frank.
Good to see the teacher again.
She called me Kahmun/Carmen/Kahmunn though -.-

It really proves that tiime can really dilute a person's memory,
& also change a person.
For better or for worst.

Do I look like a Carmen/Kahmun to you??