Monday, February 25, 2013

Last Friday Nite @ Dublin

Again we went to Dublin last Friday..

You're probably thinking where I got the money to go,
Free entry and drinksssss.

It was actually one of the PG's birthday,
so we all got invited!
(and PG means 'Post-Graduate', not 'Parental Guidance')
So happily we went!

 Not the birthday girl, but she my homie <3 p="">
Clearly, I was holding a glass of orange juice.

The only boys who joined LOL

It was an awesome night,
filled with drama, obviously.

And we had class the next day LOL

Yes, we went for class.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


I'm actually going to dedicate this post to Buddha.

So, thank you sooooooo much for blessing me with a pair of awesome hands :)
Although it may be sweaty like nothing,
but thank you.

It definitely feel good to be appreciated for your hard work.
All that blood and sweat (literally)
haha :D

Monday, February 11, 2013

Biscuits and Life

Dunking biscuits in a drink is a life lesson itself. 

When you dunk, you need to know the limits and when to stop. This is control.
You then realize that you might have left it for a little too long and start to pull it out, and you start to get worried, hoping it will be fine. Indeed, this is hope.
You lift it out and find that it's still intact, though soggy, and you feel at ease. This is satisfaction. And a possible tinge of complacency.
All of a sudden, the soggy half drops into your drink. You then wish you had taken a bite out of it before it fell in. This is regret.
Your half of the biscuit is now drowned in the drink, with next to no chance of recovery. Even if you did retrieve it (whole or in soggy pieces), it would never be the same. This is learning how to let go.

And sometimes, you are lucky. You have another biscuit on your plate. This is getting a second chance.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Reality Check

I think most of us needs a reality check.
MASSIVE reality check.

Yea, yea, tell me the story of how we're all brought up differently..
But, seriously,
that doesn't mean you grow up to be a complete out-of-this-world person.
Yes, we all have that magnificient castle that we built in the air,
and that fantasy _______ that you dream of so very often.
But there's always a time to snap back into reality.

Here are a few situations, where the people involved need a reality check:

Situation 1

Did I ever mention about the girls I've met in uni?
I trust that their world is all roses and butterflies and rainbow unicorns and what not.
Coz seriously, girls.
There's so much more to this world,
other than your boyfriends, blind dates, flowers, gifts, and fancy dinners out.
How 'bout actually attending classes more frequently and quit being so bimbotic?
I ain't sayin' you can't be pretty (who doesn't?)
or have happy days out..
But there is a time for everything,
when it comes to your duties and responsibilities,
you better get the job well done.

when I say get the job 'well done',
I didn't mean giving it to someone else to do it for you.
At least have the bloody initiative to do it yourself.
If you get it wrong,
well, that gives you more space to learn.

Won't you be proud one day, sayin'
''Oh yeah. I definitely made those first pair of dentures on my own alright.''
And won't you feel good about yourself,
when you put in the extra effort to do a good job,
and get complimented by the lecturer, topping it off with a 'Good' in your book?

it's all these little things that keeps you going..
So ladies,
you need a reality check.

Situation 2

I believe in respect. I'm respect's biggest fan.
But, if you ain't gonna give me the respect that I deserve,
I won't give two hoots about respecting you either!

So what if you're a senior?
Does that mean I have to give way for you to walk,
or let you cut the queue at the cafeteria?

Yes, I respect you as a senior,
but I ain't your dog.

I'm letting you know that I ain't gonna be that kind of person who's gonna follow behind you,
carry your shit,
kiss your fat ass,
or even bother to talk nice shit in front of you.

Get that through yer' thick skulls yer' scumbags.

You people need a reality check.

Situation 3

Now I may not be in one of the most comfortable country in the world,
but at least I've learnt great lessons from all the everyday things that I witness.

So please don't mock.

''Heyyy how's india lah :p"

I do sense the sarcasm.
The dust here have not yet clogged the blood vessels and nerves to my brain.

If you think, you're soooo much more superior..
how 'bout a challenge after we graduate?
Let's see who has the most experience :)
I can bet on my first paycheck that I would be winning.

So please,
get a reality check.
In fact, I think comfortable countries tends to hide all the reality away from your fickle mind.


Have you got a reality check?