Sunday, August 11, 2013

Human habits

I guess you could say I'm not a very peculiar person, but I am pretty particular. Like, honestly, sometimes I feel like I have OCD. When that object belongs there, it HAS to be placed back right on the same damn spot.

But that doesn't mean I'm neat. In fact, my room actually looks like a tornado just came and left.... kidding. But no, really.

I also feel like I have something called 'Grammar Pedentry Syndrome'. I ain't gonna emphasize too much on that. There's a search engine called Google, don't be so lazy.

I'm also a lil' too observant for my own good. I actually wouldn't mind sitting on a park bench all damn day just to observe the people around. I'm that insane.

Not to be mean, but some humans are just so darn annoying at times. Like, to the point where you can't decide whether you wanna tell them off in the face or just laugh and laugh and laugh.
Their habits, I don't even know how to start. pfft. IT DRIVES ME INSANE.

I cannot emphasize on how much I fucking hate that leg shaking shit. Like, it's totally cool if I see a guy doing it, but when a female does it... boy, do I get irritated. 
What? You got Parkinson's on your leg?? It doesn't bother me too much when someone does it in front of me, but when they sit somewhere next to me or something, and I can literally see a bloody foot shaking from the corner of my eye. I swear, it irritates my soul. Like, I can't even concentrate on what I'm trying to read coz your stupid foot just won't stop vibrating.
I get so irritated I just tell that person off in the face regardless of who it is. But some people just don't comprendo, and they just can't, so they end up tapping their foot on the floor.
........ *BOILS*

Do these people even know how bloody irritating that shit is?? Like, there's a reason why you have DRUMSTICKS to play with DRUMS. Your fingers aren't designed by God to drum tables, for Chrissake.
I mean, if you're alone in your room and you wanna drum your fingers away, fine, be my guest. But when there are people in the room, you keep your damn fingers to yourself! 
You know what's even better? You're sitting in your own room, and you still can hear those irritating finger drumming shit coming through the walls.

I know that you're all sensitive and compassionate and so darn bloody in love. But, lady, you need to calm your tits. I don't need you to be filling my news feed with all your philosphy. I mean, it's okay to be emo once in awhile, or if you're thrilled that someone's gotten you a Teddy Bear. But seriously, every 5 minutes I see something from you. This minute you're happy, the next you're all sad and depressed, and then in a  few minutes you're relating your life long story to a picture of Pan Mee.
No offence but, what the hell does a regular bowl of Pan Mee gotta do with your life, girl?? Did that bowl of noodles do you wrong but fill your tummy? Sheesh. Heights!
And oh, I know you 'super love' your boyfie, but woman, I'm not interested in seeing pictures of you making out with him every damn day on my news feed. Do me that favour, will ya?

4) $tUpiD tYp0
I absolutely HATE it when people tYpE LyK Dis. h0w da HeCk d0 eU EvEn d0 diS.
Have you not been to pre-school, where they teach you how to write properly and see the difference between an O and a 0 ??? I mean, I'm totally okay if you have a few words out of spelling and all because your iPhone is just bitchy that way, but to type Lyk Dis is just dumb.
Why are you showing off to the world that you can't type? Jeez, keep it yourself.
I get so pissed off sometimes, I just wanna shove a bloody dictionary into their faces and send them back to kindergarten. Please, let me get you a dictionary for your birthday. I'm willing to invest on that.

Yes, yes I know you're darn hungry you're about to faint, but can you just keep your hands to yourself and not eat tiny portions of everything while the rice cooks??
You guys get what I mean? Like, some people they're so hungry they just take like a small bit of baked beans from the plate bit by bit because they just can't wait to eat. And then, when the rice is finally done, there's only probably half of the baked beans left. Then, you're hungry too, but she eats more than you do and you end up only having a quarter of them baked beans.....
And then they're soooo hungry they just gobble up everything even though it's hot, and they end up eating with their mouths opened.
Like, b*tch! Do you have any sense of table manners??? Did nobody tell you to blow your food before you put it into your mouth?? Your mouth ain't got no cooling fan to cool down yo food.
Talkin' bout' table manners......

*massages temples*
Why the hell do you have to announce to the entire universe that you're eating?

Just the other day, I opened the fridge and I saw this new carton of Cranberyy juice and I'm like 'Hey we still have!'. So I took it out of the fridge and brought a glass with me, it was kinda odd coz we just bought the juice but it was relatively light... Anyways, I opened it and started pouring........ it only filled like 5% of my glass. Just enough for one gulp. I'm like, WTF.
I'm not mad that my housemate drank it all. I'm irritated with the fact that she wanted to drink it all, but at the very last gulp, she had this sudden guilt that I haven't had any, and decided to leave that one last gulp for me.
Seriously... Just finish it. Please. It's just juice. I can just drink Yakult or go down to the grocers to get more. Just don't leave one pathetic gulp for me. I'd rather not have any.

Not sure if cockiness is a habit or more of a personality trait. Whatever it is, it annoys the crap outta me.
Some stupidos just don't know the difference. There's an infinitesimally thin line between confidence and arrogance. Nobody enjoys being in the company of an arrogant person. Even arrogant people will admit they dislike pomposity, in others anyway. 
Sure, you're a genius and all from a goddam chinese school. But please, keep that cockiness to yourself. I don't need to know how long it'll take you to study that subject and how you gonna ace it. Yes, I do appreciate your help once in awhile. But please, leave out the cockiness.
Sometimes I just wanna ask you if your cock is as big as your cockiness.

You cocky sonuvabitch.


You know the list could go on and on. But I'll just stop here, before I get high blood pressure and then I would need anti-hypertensives.

Friday, August 2, 2013

The Chuck Bass Theory

Chuck and Blair have always been my favourite TV couple.
I was more than thrilled when they got married in the Season Finale! 

I believe that every girl has her very own Chuck Bass.
If you don't, no worries,
he's on his way.

Finding your Chuck isn't always blissful and happy.
Trust me,
I've found my Chuck.

Just like Chuck and Blair's relationship,
we're always arguing and getting disappointed by each other.
We flip out on each other.
Treat each other like punching bags.
We don't text all the damn time, nor do we have late night talks on the phone.
And it's tiring, both physically and emotionally.

Because, we're like together, but we're not.
I call it the 'FLIRTATIONSHIP'.

But despite all that not-talking-to-each-other-for-days after every argument,
eventually we'll come back to each other.

My guy is just like Chuck Bass.
Chuck has never stopped loving Blair, even though he doesn't show it.
All his Upper East Side swag pffft.
Blair can be difficult to handle and a bitch most of the time,
but he has never once gave up on her.
He's always there watching out for her,
and occasionally showering her with love when he feels like it.
Yes, when he feels like it.

"I'm not Chuck Bass without you."

If you've watched GG,
you would know that before this whole Chuck and Blair thingy started,
Bass was a mega badass playboy.

But ever since sparks flew between him and Blair,
he started changing his bad habits for her.

He was totally sincere to Blair throughout Season 2 to the Finale.

But like I mentioned before,
it's not always peaceful.

They've had their roller coaster ride.
When things are good, 
a big bitch like Serena Van Der Woodsen comes along to mess things up.
But it's okay, because they're Chuck and Blair.
Nothing can get between them, ever.

So just like that,
my very own Chuck is the same.
We're like C and B.

Only on a nice sunny day will I get all the attention from him.
He'll always tell his friends that I'm the one who makes it all better,
but he never tells it to me. Pfft.

And even though he doesn't treat me well all the time,
just like Blair,
I'll always, always wait out for him.

Yes, I do get frustrated and that's when I'll go like,
''You know what it's over.''

And he knows I'm just being a pain the ass.
He'll come back afterwards.

And slowly, but progressively, he changes for me.
I know that he'll always be there for me.

I don't know how our relationship will work,
or if it's even possible,
but I have faith in it.

All you have to do is believe.

That, my readers,
is The Chuck Bass Theory.